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Hello my dear Kevaddictes!

Today I want to share with you an article in two parts, strongly linked.

1. Sometimes it takes time but things always happen at the right time!

As I announced to you on the networks at the beginning of January, 2023 will be a year placed under the sign of novelty and concretization.

All these years at your side have given me the desire to create a collection in total adequacy with what I like and what you have always appreciated in the shop. Throughout the season you will be able to discover pieces that you will only find here, stamped "by Keva". I've chosen colour, simplicity but also detail, pieces that will allow you to mix and match looks in a relaxed way. I always assume that we can all really wear different looks but that you often don't dare, that you think it won't suit you, that it's too much like this, not enough like that... And yet, by associating the right pieces between them, all the looks are accessible to you! Bringing to light all these different looks so that you can project yourself more easily is my job, and I'm preparing outfits for you, each one more different than the last, that I can't wait to show you throughout the season!

You could discover the first piece of this collection which seems to have already conquered you which is the Oscar jumper! For those who haven't seen it yet, it's right here and it's going like hotcakes! We have just ordered the black one !

It's still a dream come true, thanks to patience and hard work, and I hope you'll enjoy the result.  

2.  "The greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising again every time you fall." Nelson Mandela

Never give up, always move towards your dreams, at whatever level. There will be moments of doubt that will make you question many things, but it will always come out the essential for you to move forward. We often tend to look only at the distance that separates us from this imaginary point that is our dream, but its realization is in every second that passes and that brings us a little closer. This is why it is very important to cherish all these seconds, to spend them building, understanding, moving forward step by step and taking advantage of the present which is full of opportunities.

I therefore wish you to move towards your desires, towards your dreams, without respite. It doesn't matter when you reach them, it's by walking the path that you discover the magic of life.

Love to you


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Carole Tourbier - 2023-02-26 07:16:37

Bonjour Amanda, merci pour ce beau message ? oui il faut toujours croire en ses rêves même si ce n'est pas toujours facile mais avec de la volonté, du courage et beaucoup d'amour, nous pouvons soulever des montagnes.... Encore félicitations pour ce beau projet et aussi pour nous qui aimons Keva boutique avec toute sa team super sympa, efficace et très professionnelle et à vous Amanda qui êtes une belle personne dans tous les sens car cela se dégage dans vos posts et c'est juste super ?? bonne continuation, amicalement Carole ?????☀️?❤️